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This practical guide shows a complete setup to configure VSCode for videogame programming with SDL2 and C/C++. Installation of additional libraries such as SDL Image, SDL Mixer and SDL TTF is also covered by this tutorial.

Whether from Linux, Windows or Mac, at the end of this practical guide we will have prepared an environment to develop from VSCode (or VSCodium) videogames with SDL, including the configuration of debugging and compilation tools, as well as autocompletion and syntax highlighting aids for a better development experience in C/C++.

Downloading the base project


At The Science of Code we have prepared a base project on this repo that allows us to use SDL with C/C++ on VSCode (VSCodium). The project is ready to run on Linux, Mac and Windows.

That said, go to the location where you want to download it and execute the following command:

git clone https://github.com/TheScienceOfCodeEDU/sdl-vscode-c-cpp.git

Once this is done, you can see the project contents but before running and reviewing it, we will configure the system.

IDE configuration

OS configuration


  • Fedora:

    sudo dnf install gcc-c++
    sudo dnf install SDL2 SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel
  • Ubuntu:

    sudo apt install build-essential
    sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev

For any other distro, please check on the official documentation how to install gcc and sdl 2 development packages.


  1. Install brew.

  2. Run these commands:

    xcode-select --install
    brew install SDL2
    brew install sdl2_image
    brew install sdl2_mixer
    brew install sdl2_ttf

By default, we enabled LLDB as debugger otherwise you will need to certify the GDB binary.


  1. Install MinGW-w64: Install MSYS2 under the default folder c:\msys64\, otherwise you will need to modify the tasks under .vscode folder (base project).

    When complete, ensure that the box Run MSYS2 now is checked. This will open a MSYS2 terminal. Run this command and install all suggested packages:

    pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain
  2. Install SDL2:

    • Alternative A (easy)

      Download this zip file and extract its contents into your computer’s root path C:\.

    • Alternative B (manual download)

      • Browse to SDL2 Releases and download SDL2-devel-2.28.5-mingw.zip.

        Open the zip file and inside it go to SDL2-2.28.5\x86_64-w64-mingw32\.

        Extract the contents (four folders) into c:\sdl2\.

      • Browse to SDL2 Image Releases and download SDL2_image-devel-2.8.2-mingw.zip.

        Open the zip file and inside it go to SDL2_image-2.8.2\x86_64-w64-mingw32.

        Extract the contents (three folders) into c:\sdl2\.

      • Browse to SDL2 Mixer Releases and download SDL2_mixer-devel-2.8.0-mingw.zip.

        Open the zip file and inside it go to SDL2_mixer-2.8.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32.

        Extract the contents (three folders) into c:\sdl2\.

      • Browse to SDL2 TTF Releases and download SDL2_ttf-devel-2.22.0-mingw.zip.

        Open the zip file and inside it go to SDL2_ttf-2.22.0\x86_64-w64-mingw32.

        Extract the contents (three folders) into c:\sdl2\.

      Note: If you want to, you can download newer versions from the repositories. Though listed versions were tested by The Science of Code.

  3. Configure environment variables:

    • Search for variables under your Windows menu and select Edit environment variables for your system.

    • Click on Environment variables button, and then select Path and click Edit. Add two new lines:


      Select OK to save. Re-open any program or console to use the updated PATH.

      Test these commands on a terminal to check if everything went OK:

      gcc --version
      g++ --version
      gdb --version

      If something fails, double check your PATH values against real folder locations.

Final steps

These steps are not required, but may improve your development experience.

Fix disable automatic header insertion (any OS)

It is recommended to disable automatic header insertion by hitting f1, then typing User Settings (JSON) and pressing Enter. Finally, add the following line to the opened JSON file:

"clangd.arguments": [ "--header-insertion=never" ],

Fix syntax error for SDL.h include (Windows)

On Windows VSCode syntax highlighter won’t find SDL includes by default, to fix this just hit f1, type User Settings (JSON) and press Enter. Finally, add the following lines to the opened JSON file:

"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "disabled",
"clangd.fallbackFlags": [

sdl vscode c cpp debug

Running the project

Beforehand, let’s have an overview of the base project’s main files and folders:

  • .vscode/: this folder contains the IDE configuration including tasks to build and debug C/C++.

  • common.h: global definitions and constants.

  • sdl_utils.h: some utility functions to interact with SDL.

  • main.cpp: source code for the sample SDL application.

  • build files for each OS: these files are called by VSCode (or VSCodium) when executing a build task.

    • build-linux.sh
    • build-mac.sh
    • build-win.bat

    If you are planning to use other libraries feel free to modify build files.

Now, just open the project folder using the IDE and press ctrl + shift + b to build for Linux, Windows or Mac. Then press ctrl + shift + d to Debug, just double check that you are choosing the right OS. You should see a window containing a pixelart character. You may also add debug breakpoints as required.

sdl tutorial vscode linux windows mac debug

Congratulations! You have everything ready to start making videogames.